James Strawbridge's Sausage and Fennel Ragu

James Strawbridge's Sausage and Fennel Ragu

Sausage and Fennel Ragu is a hearty dish you can slow cook during the day (or even the day before). Simply reheat, swirl through some pasta of your choice, shower it with plenty of parmesan and there you have it!
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Serves 2 



  1. Sauté your shallot, fennel, and garlic with olive oil for 4-5 mins. Add in a pinch of fennel seeds, salt and black pepper followed by the pork sausage meat.   
  2. Brown the meat on a high heat and then deglaze the pan with a glass of red wine. Stir in the tomato sauce and balsamic vinegar. Reduce the heat and cover with a cartouche. Cut out a circular sheet of baking parchment with a hole in the centre and simmer for 35-40 mins.   
  3. Bring a pan of salted water to the boil for the pasta and cook the ravioli for 3-4 mins. Drain and drizzle with a little more oil. Serve with sausage and fennel tomato sauce spooned on top, grated parmesan, basil and a final drizzle of balsamic vinegar.